30 May 2011

Still Here!

I tend to appear as though I've fallen off the face of the earth come summertime, but I am posting to assure you that this is not the case. I don't like to write about the day-to-day very often, but I'm going to be vain and assume that you might be somewhat interested in my slightly mundane summer existence. Ha-ha.

I'm living at home for the summer, excepting at least one trip to Memphis for the wedding of two very special people in my life (Charlie and Audrey, collectively known as "Chaudrey"). Looking forward to this with great anticipation. I adore summer road trips.

While I'm home, I'll be lifeguarding at a swim club in town six days a week. This is my third summer as a lifeguard, and I can't think of a better job. I'll admit, the tan lines aren't the greatest sometimes, but at least there *are* tan lines. Ha-ha. The weather has been a bit bipolar lately (brownie points if you know the song! ^_^), so the water is quite...ah...refreshing? I'm gonna brag a little now, if you don't mind. Last Thursday, I made my very first jump-in save. It was pretty exciting stuff. A girl jumped off the diving board into some very cold water and freaked, so I went in after her. I almost had a second save, but another guard (we'll call him "Thor") happened to be walking by and got to him first. Poor little guy had oh-so timidly hopped off the board and I knew he was going to need help before his head broke the surface.

So that's my summer so far. I'll try to be a little more insightful later on.

Some other miscellaneous items:

1) my UBS Greek New Testament arrived about a week ago, so I'm having tons of fun studying it.

2) I adore driving backroads in the county with the windows down 'cause it lets in the summer air that smells like...

3) honeysuckle! If you've never smelled honeysuckle, you're missing out. It's basically the smell of summer.

4) speaking of things that smell like summer, I must confess that I have a love for the scent of line-dried laundry, and the smell you get when you combine sunscreen, chlorine, and just a little bit of sunshine. It's kind of wonderful.

5) I don't think I mentioned my decision to become a baseball fan this summer... I arrived at my decision to support the St. Louis Cardinals logically and geographically. I'm about the same distance from Cincinnati and St. Louis, and I have a rule that says I *never* go north, so St. Louis was the obvious choice. My baseball cap arrived on the same day as my GNT, so yours truly was a very happy camper.

6) I'm experimenting in new music this summer. After watching I Am Number Four and hearing their music on the soundtrack, I found Adele and Civil Twilight. Fell asleep listening to Adele last night, but it's some pretty good stuff so far. Civil Twilight is on the agenda for this afternoon.

Lunch Date with Peter

First Peter, that is. =]