28 October 2010

So, it's definitely October...>_> <_<

To be honest, I journal like this too. I can't tell you the last time I sat down to write. I guess that means at least I'm not bored, right?

Anyway...midterms are now a thing of the past. Such a lovely experience that. This week, though, was shaping up to be just kicks and giggles. The Bible department synced up on testing, so I was looking at having three major tests in two days: Greek, Old Testament, and Bible & Missions. This wouldn't've been such a big deal except for the fact that as of the last class period (Tuesday), Dr. Bain hadn't yet given us a study guide for Bible & Missions, and the test was scheduled for...well, today. On Monday night, I sat in my room planning out a study/sleep/food schedule for my week through Tuesday so that I could pull this thing off. Praise be to God-in class on Tuesday, Dr. Bain realized he had, in fact, not given us the 42-question study guide and announced that he would move the test to this coming Tuesday, "Unless, of course, there is an outcry of opposition." Well, there definitely wasn't. There was a huge sigh of relief instead. So I am currently looking at two tests down, none to go. (Which makes me a pretty happy camper.)

The weather is starting to turn on the Mountain. It's much more tolerable here than at home. We went for about a week of cooler weather (by that, I mean temperatures in the 40s), but it's been consistently warmer for quite some time. I'm looking forward to what we call "hoodie weather," though. As big a fan as I am of shorts and t-shirts, I've gotta admit that there's just something about a hoodie that makes my heart happy. I've become quite the collector of them over the past few years. My current favorite is a dark grey one that my Mom bought for me at a conference in Texas (a funny place to buy something warm if you ask me).

Good grief. Why am I prattling on about the weather? The answer is procrastination. I'd best quit at this and get to reading. Five one-page summaries are due today in Bible & Missions on ten chapters of a book. Two down, three to go. Fun stuff...

Glad to be back in the swing of writing. Let's hope it continues.

Jessi <><

*pray for focus in my studies (especially Greek)
*pray for a friend having a tough time all around
*pray for the BMC students as a whole

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