27 July 2010

Home Sweet Home

A little after eleven on Tuesday night, and I'm finally getting around to updating.

I spent the weekend with Rachel on the campus of Southern Seminary in Louisville before heading home on Sunday afternoon. Thus far my time home has consisted of appointment after appointment. I had my left knee and shoulder examined on Monday after getting a TDaP injection that morning in preparation for possible international travel over Christmas break. This morning was my first ever filling. Not gonna lie; I was not super excited about having a cavity in the first place, but fortunately it was not so deep as to require anesthetic, so no needles were involved.

I'm growing to enjoy my time at home more than I have in years past. I'm definitely the adventurer of the family, but it's nice to have a home base so to speak. Things went from tough to tougher for me during the last part of our week in Maysville/May's Lick. Distance from home and the familiar compounded by the rigors of a travelling camp forced me to slow down and seek the Lord's strength. I have this habit of wanting to do everything for myself; I see others as incompetent at times, and I stupidly tend to lump God in that category more often than not. How arrogant I am to think I've got a hold on everything! I come to Him as a penitent child, confessing that I've gotten too big for my britches on a daily if not hourly basis. When things fall apart I must admit my own inadequacy, yet He is gracious in welcoming me back.

My personal life is a little difficult and confusing right now. I've been greatly disappointed, but I will not be greatly shaken. My God has mercy, grace, love, and guidance. I'm learning again the pitfalls of self-sufficiency, but my God will lift my feet from the mire and set me on the Rock.

"...my God in His steadfast love will meet me...the Lord has become my stronghold and my God the rock of my refuge." Psalm 94

*Pray for rest for my fellow staff and me.
*Pray that the transition from camp to home and home to school will be smooth.
*Pray that I would learn to be less hard-headed.

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