04 March 2011

Days 18-22

Day 18-your beliefs

I believe everything written in the Holy Word of God. I take the Bible as my moral standard, and every view I hold to ought to line up with what it says. Maybe you think that's radical, but it's God's best for us as human. It's not meant to subdue us, but to guide us. I believe in God the Father, His Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. I believe in the virgin birth, the perfect life, literal death, burial, and resurrection of Christ. I believe He's coming back for His children one day in the not-so-distant future. I believe it is my purpose to live a life glorifying to God in everything I do.

Day 19-disrespecting your parents

Okay, this is kind of random...

All I know is I got in trouble when I tried to cop an attitude with my mom and dad, and it usually involved a spanking or grounding. They're usually right. More often than not. Almost always... Wait, are we talking disrespect or disobedience? They're similar but not the same. Disrespect is just irritating. I know I did it a lot as a kid, so I feel I can comment. It's annoying. You're not funny, and you're not cute. So don't. You just look like a little twit.

Day 20-how important you think education is

Loaded question... Education is definitely a must. I don't necessarily agree with the whole let's-put-our-kids-in-school-all-day mentality, but it's a disservice to allow children to grow up ignorant. Everyone learns in different ways, so I think kids ought to be given the choice to learn in the way that most benefits them. It's important to go into life with a good bit of knowledge.

That's really all I have to say about that.

Day 21-one of your favorite shows

Smallville ^_^

Been watching since season one because my best friend was absolutely enthralled with Tom Welling at the time.

Day 22-how have you changed in the past 2 years?

Wow...from seventeen to nineteen. This time two years ago, I was a senior in high school, working my first "real" job, and trying to figure out what I was going to do with my life. Now I'm a junior in college who's still trying to figure out what I'm going to do with my life. A lot has changed, though...a whole lot. I've grown up in more ways than I ever imagined. In high school, I thought myself ready for a boyfriend and grew frustrated when he didn't magically materialize. Now, I understand that I was not at all prepared for that kind of relationship. As a senior, I thought I was pretty clever and world wise. I've learned that I still need guidance on a fairly regular basis. At seventeen, I believed I was immortal, invincible. I've realized I'm not so invulnerable. It's a strange thing to experience the beginnings of the aches and pains for which I've teasingly ridiculed my parents. I thought I was a growing Christian at seventeen; I'd just hit a rough patch. Now I know it was a signal to me that I had never truly given myself over to Christ.

I'd say the majority of the changes have been for the better. I went through a pink hair phase the first month or two of college, but once I'd experienced a little rebellion, I settled in to a relatively responsible lifestyle. I'm not saying I've arrived. Just ask my roommate-I do dumb things all the time. This is the reason that, when she found me crying to our suitemate in the floor a couple of weeks ago, I prefaced my explanation with "You're gonna be mad at me. *beat, beat* I'm not pregnant!" So, though my skills of judgment have progressed greatly in the last two years, they're still sometimes inhibited by some glitch in my brain.

I'm working the desk and I'm reeeeeally tired. I'll catch up eventually. That's all for now.

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