26 March 2011


Just a few things happening in my life (since I haven't posted in a while...)

I got glasses over Spring Break. This was a great blow to my pride as I have considered myself to have good vision until now. But since I had become one step more near-sighted since last year, I thought it might be time to lay down that pride and improve my vision.

Tell me what you think. I'm still not one hundred percent sure how I feel about this...

For English Literature II this semester, Dr. Betty decided to give a novel test instead of having to grade eighty-some papers. She gave us a choice between two novels: Pride and Prejudice or Great Expectations. Now, my first thought was to re-read Pride and Prejudice. In high school, I had read the book, been involved in the play, and watched the Keira Knightly version of the movie time and time again (as well as the Bollywood version, Bride and Prejudice). So clearly, the smart thing to do would have been re-read Pride and Prejudice and take that test, right? Right. But when have I been known to do the smart thing? Being the overachieving homeschooled kid that I am, I decided I wanted a challenge, so I read Great Expectations. Rather, I attempted to read Great Expectations.

This is the second time I've taken a shot at Great Expectations. You remember those Great Illustrated Classics novels you read when you were a kid? You didn't? Really? Oh, okay...Anyway...I tried reading an abridged, illustrated adaptation of both Great Expectations and A Tale of Two Cities sometime around middle school and gave up on both about halfway through, so I knew this would be a challenging undertaking. Though we were given the entire first half of the semester to read the book, I waited until the week before spring break to begin, thinking I would get through it over the break. Wrong. I wound up falling asleep on Wednesday night/Thursday morning of the test with nearly eighty pages to go. I've decided not to finish the book for a while, simply out of spite. Take that, Charles Dickens! Certainly, one day, I will repent and finish the last eighty pages, but that day is not today. Or tomorrow.

As I write this, my friend Matt is visiting. This is our friendship, summarized...

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