01 March 2011

Days 14-17

Day 14-your earliest memory

I've got a vague recollection of the Mesker Park Zoo involving giant birdcages, but I'm not sure when it's from. I remember playing Little Mermaid with my sister and our cousins in the the eighteen-inch-deep swimming pool we set up in our backyard every summer. Snapshots of my great-grandparents' house are in the back of my mind as well, but again, I don't know how old I was. My sense of chronology is a little weird. I blame it on being home schooled. No, honestly, I do. I figure maybe if I'd had a different teacher every year when I was in elementary school, I could associate events with that and have a better idea of when things happened.

Day 15-your favorite Tumblrs

I included Tumblrs and blogs...

A Girl Waiting
Reform the Line
More Inklings
Serving Him Blind

Day 16-your views on mainstream music

In case you couldn't tell from Day 11, I do listen to a wide variety of music. I'm kind of frustrating to some people who ask me what kind of music I like because I really can't categorize well. Often, I can hear a song that I like and be completely unable to tell you who sings it or what it's called. Mainstream music, however... Believe it or not, I'm choosy about what I listen to. Some popular music will catch my attention, but I also like music that might not be so well-known. Basically, if it sounds good and has good lyrics, I probably like it.

Day 17-your highs and lows of this past year

October 2009-getting legit
February-May 2010-falling head over heels for the first time
April 2010-the birth of a beautiful little girl to my aunt and uncle
May-July 2010-waiting and hoping for contact with a certain someone, but growing personally
June-July 2010-building relationships with and pouring into campers
August 2010-freaking out in the transition stage between camp, home, and school
September 2010-October 2010-coming out stronger on the other side of heartache
November 2010-December 2010-having "normal" jacked out from under me and learning to adjust, amazing international experience, losing my Sword, learning to lean on God
January 2011-dealing with disappointment once again, but knowing where to turn
February 2011-being stretched and tested and mostly coming out unscathed
March 2011-who knows? =]

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