23 February 2011

Days 08-13

Day 08-a moment you felt the most satisfied with your life

I'm generally a discontent kind of person, but every now and then, things seem to be in place for a while. I can't think of anything specific; I'm really satisfied when I've gotten all my homework completed and I get to go to bed early or when I have a this-is-what's-been-going-on-lay-it-all-out-and-how-are-you conversation with a good friend.

Day 09-how you hope your future will be like

Full of adventure, love, and challenge. I don't want my life to be boring. I know I complain and freak out when unexpected things come my way, but I think I'm learning to lean on God for a better way to handle them.

Day 10-discuss your first love and first kiss

See #20 in Day 06...

Day 11-put your iPod on shuffle and write 10 songs that pop up

1. Good Love Is On the Way-John Mayer
2. In Christ Alone-Owl City
3. Let Me Love You-Josh Wilson
4. All These Things That I've Done-The Killers
5. Dhoom Taana-Om Shanti Om
6. Eyes-Stellar Kart
7. Essengo-Selah
8. Testify-Joy Whitlock
9. Bilbo's Song-Howard Shore
10. Gitana-Shakira

Day 12-bullet your whole day

-7:00 a.m. Wake up
-7:05 a.m. Roll out of bed and start getting dressed
-7:09 a.m. Grab some Frosted Flakes and V-Fusion for breakfast
-7:15 a.m. Call and make sure Nathan is awake
-7:16 a.m. Finish getting ready to go to Garrett
-7:30 a.m. Stumble over to Garrett
-8:00 a.m. Lead stretches and vocal warmups
-8:15 a.m. Start getting into character, run lines, and get into costume and makeup
-9:00 a.m. Gather with other cast and crew in the organ room for pre-show pep talk and prayer
-9:15 a.m. Try not to lose breakfast
-9:30 a.m. The lights go up!
-12:05 p.m. Get out of costume and makeup, wait for notes
-12:30 p.m. Run to Café 108 for lunch. Try to read for Old Testament
-1:00 p.m. Walk up the hill to class to try and finish reading before 1:30
-1:30 p.m. Old Testament
-2:30 p.m. Get back over to Garrett for voice lab
-2:45 p.m. Find out voice lab is cancelled. Go to dorm room.
-3:00 p.m. Take a nap
-5:00 p.m. Wake up from nap, eat a suspiciously soggy quesadilla, dress for church
-5:45 p.m. Arrive at church
-6:30 p.m. Listen to Charlie teach from John 1:16-17
-7:25 p.m. Head back to Whitfield to study for Greek
-8:00 p.m. Get distracted by Facebook, Blogspot, etc.
-8:30 p.m. Repent and start studying again
-9:00 p.m. John Samuel shows up for English Literature homework (finally...)
-11:00 p.m. Fall asleep while John Samuel reads the introduction to John Keats
-11:07 p.m. Wake up and finish reading. Write one-page essay in response to reading.
-12:00 a.m. Head upstairs to bed

Day 13-somewhere you'd like to move or visit

Where to begin? Oh, where to begin? I think I could be happy living anywhere, and I'd love to at least see all of these places before I die.

Costa Rica
South Africa
all 50 states (visit them all, not live in them all!)
Great Smokey Mountains
Rocky Mountains
New York City
I'm sure I could think of more. It's always been a dream of mine to travel the world, and I hope to realize that someday. As Mrs. Gibbs says, "I just think that once in your life before you die, you ought to see a country where they don't talk in English and don't even want to." (Our Town is on the brain, let me tell you...)

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