23 April 2011

Where Does One Begin?

So I just got home from the special simulcast of Secret Church. I've got a 142-page notebook of truth and doctrine that is still blowing my mind. My plan is to make a study of it once I'm through the book of 1 John, so I'm sure there will be more posts about, but here's what I was thinking on the way home.

The beauty of the gospel is such that it does not fade or grow old with time. It is difficult to grow bored with the gospel. Rather, the more we gaze into it, the more we study its complexities and facets, the more we see exactly how much we do not understand. Instead of driving us away, however, this spurs us on in our desire to know God more.

I remember the first time I heard John Piper preach. I had the opportunity to attend Passion 2010 in Atlanta, Georgia, and Piper was one of the speakers. I had just gotten "legit" (as I like to put) it in October of 2009, and this was day 89 of my new life with Christ. I was (and still am in many ways) just a baby. I'd never heard of this view of God he was teaching. A self-centered, glory-concerned God just sounded awfully selfish to me. Wasn't He supposed to be about loving us, His creation? Wasn't He supposed to be about blessing me? My eyes were opened to the error of my thinking. God is about His own glory. Does He have this right? Umm...yes. He is the supreme sovereign God who created the universe; He can do what He wants.

I'd been doing okay this far into the conference, taking great notes in the sessions with Louie Giglio, Beth Moore, and Francis Chan (I kind of fell asleep during Andy Stanley's talk...ha.), but Piper blew me away. I just sat there in shock. I'd never heard this before and I was having difficulty processing. God was opening my baby Christian mind to huge truths that I wasn't ready for. He knew by showing me all this that it would give me a desire for more. And desire I did. When we met with our family groups afterward, I snapped out of shock and just wept. I don't understand. I want to understand was all I could say. I didn't have any spiritual teeth yet and God had just slapped me upside the head with a steak.

Since this experience, He has taught me more about Himself than I ever thought there was to know, and He just keeps going. Our God is unknowable, yet He invites us to know Him. Chew on that for a minute. We can never exhaust the depths of His character and attributes, yet we are blessed beyond measure when we spend time with Him.

Again, it's late. My brain is mush after tonight, so I apologize if this lacks sense in some places. Time for some sleep. There's more to come, you can be sure.

Hope you have a blessed day. =]

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