09 July 2010

My Roommate Thinks We're in Alaska...

It’s got to be eighty degrees in here, if not more. I’m rooming with our director (Susan, more appropriately pronounced SU-z’n) this week, and she’s apparently quite cold-natured. I am not. I shall be sleeping in a tank top and shorts tonight on top of the covers... Best suck it up now; they don’t have air conditioning in third world countries.

We got to explore the creek today after dinner. Pretty much the highlight of my week thus far. We saw what I concluded to be a baby copperhead right off the bat. He seemed okay with us as long as we kept our distance, and we were okay with him as long as he kept his. Susan, however, was not super excited about our trekking upstream. She does deserve some brownie points for exploring with us, though, even if she did make us get out for fear of bears. C’mon, Susan! They’re only black bears...not even the big kind!

My evening was made by watching Bride and Prejudice, the Bollywood film version of Pride and Prejudice. I. Want. A. Sari. Also, my school friends would be proud of me. I finally put my student ID to good use. Sometimes you don’t have time to wait around for people with keys...Just sayin’...

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