09 July 2010

Rain Forest

Got to explore some of the Cumberland area this afternoon. Absolutely beautiful! It did rain on us when we got to Pinnacle Overlook. Actually, it stormed. We ran back to the vehicles to wait out the rain for a while, then went hiking in the rain for about an hour. Despite the rain, it was one of the most glorious experiences of my life. This area of the state is breathtaking. I'm excited about going to Cumberland Falls tomorrow and the possibility of coming back to explore the Gap further. The haze is lifting from the mountains as I type this.

Being out here makes me wonder where in the world I'll end up one day. I don't know what the Lord has in store for me as far as where I'll be serving, but I hope it's half as beautiful as it is here. I drank from a mountain spring today. It's a very small thing-not an overly exciting experience-but very different nonetheless. I'm grateful for the adventurous spirit God has given me to enjoy things like this.

No more time to write. Back to Internet-less, cell signal-less Clear Creek. =]

Oh, I would also like to add: Middlesboro, KY is the only inhabited meteor crater in the United States. Yes, that's right. The town in which we've been doing camp this past week is in a meteor crater. Pretty awesome if you ask me. Okay, that's it. =P

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