15 February 2011

Day 06

Day 06-write 30 interesting facts about yourself


1. I'm slightly insane when given Vanilla Coke.
2. My children will play in the woods with sticks and lightsabers, not sit in front of the TV or computer screen.
3. I can wiggle my left ear, but not my right.
4. I've only been out of the country once. (So far...)
5. I like to yell at people out my second-story dorm room window.
6. I'm a huge nerd. Huge.
7. I love languages: Spanish, Greek, Elvish, Portuguese, Gaelic. If it sounds pretty, I probably want to study it.
8. I fall over a lot for no reason.
9. Daisies and lilies are my favorite flowers.
10. When I was in kindergarten and elementary school, I was convinced I should have been born a boy.
11. Green is my favorite color.
12. I don't eat fruits or vegetables unless coerced.
13. My taste in music ranges from Bach and Mozart to Lecrae and Tedashii. I need music for every occasion, and I think life would be a lot cooler if it had a soundtrack.
14. I'm meaner than I look.
15. I'm a lifeguard terrified of drowning.
16. I prefer hot chocolate over coffee.
17. I believe in Elves. Judge me.
18. I'd love to live in a tree house.
19. I can say "thank you" in 10 languages.
20. I've never been kissed.
21. I dislike even numbers.
22. Spring and summer are my favorite seasons. Fall is beautiful, but it means winter is coming. I hate the cold.
23. I have a favorite freckle.
24. I could be happy living just about anywhere except maybe a big, inescapable city. I'd definitely prefer out in the middle of the woods, but still close enough to civilization.
25. <-I don't think I'll live to see this age.
26. I talk to myself all the time.
27. I named my car Rhavaniel, which means "wild" in Sindarin Elvish.
28. I decided to make this one last...for no good reason.
29. I've never seen "The Little Mermaid" or "Sleeping Beauty" all the way through.
30. I can list all 50 states without looking at a map or singing the song.

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