23 February 2011

Days 08-13

Day 08-a moment you felt the most satisfied with your life

I'm generally a discontent kind of person, but every now and then, things seem to be in place for a while. I can't think of anything specific; I'm really satisfied when I've gotten all my homework completed and I get to go to bed early or when I have a this-is-what's-been-going-on-lay-it-all-out-and-how-are-you conversation with a good friend.

Day 09-how you hope your future will be like

Full of adventure, love, and challenge. I don't want my life to be boring. I know I complain and freak out when unexpected things come my way, but I think I'm learning to lean on God for a better way to handle them.

Day 10-discuss your first love and first kiss

See #20 in Day 06...

Day 11-put your iPod on shuffle and write 10 songs that pop up

1. Good Love Is On the Way-John Mayer
2. In Christ Alone-Owl City
3. Let Me Love You-Josh Wilson
4. All These Things That I've Done-The Killers
5. Dhoom Taana-Om Shanti Om
6. Eyes-Stellar Kart
7. Essengo-Selah
8. Testify-Joy Whitlock
9. Bilbo's Song-Howard Shore
10. Gitana-Shakira

Day 12-bullet your whole day

-7:00 a.m. Wake up
-7:05 a.m. Roll out of bed and start getting dressed
-7:09 a.m. Grab some Frosted Flakes and V-Fusion for breakfast
-7:15 a.m. Call and make sure Nathan is awake
-7:16 a.m. Finish getting ready to go to Garrett
-7:30 a.m. Stumble over to Garrett
-8:00 a.m. Lead stretches and vocal warmups
-8:15 a.m. Start getting into character, run lines, and get into costume and makeup
-9:00 a.m. Gather with other cast and crew in the organ room for pre-show pep talk and prayer
-9:15 a.m. Try not to lose breakfast
-9:30 a.m. The lights go up!
-12:05 p.m. Get out of costume and makeup, wait for notes
-12:30 p.m. Run to Café 108 for lunch. Try to read for Old Testament
-1:00 p.m. Walk up the hill to class to try and finish reading before 1:30
-1:30 p.m. Old Testament
-2:30 p.m. Get back over to Garrett for voice lab
-2:45 p.m. Find out voice lab is cancelled. Go to dorm room.
-3:00 p.m. Take a nap
-5:00 p.m. Wake up from nap, eat a suspiciously soggy quesadilla, dress for church
-5:45 p.m. Arrive at church
-6:30 p.m. Listen to Charlie teach from John 1:16-17
-7:25 p.m. Head back to Whitfield to study for Greek
-8:00 p.m. Get distracted by Facebook, Blogspot, etc.
-8:30 p.m. Repent and start studying again
-9:00 p.m. John Samuel shows up for English Literature homework (finally...)
-11:00 p.m. Fall asleep while John Samuel reads the introduction to John Keats
-11:07 p.m. Wake up and finish reading. Write one-page essay in response to reading.
-12:00 a.m. Head upstairs to bed

Day 13-somewhere you'd like to move or visit

Where to begin? Oh, where to begin? I think I could be happy living anywhere, and I'd love to at least see all of these places before I die.

Costa Rica
South Africa
all 50 states (visit them all, not live in them all!)
Great Smokey Mountains
Rocky Mountains
New York City
I'm sure I could think of more. It's always been a dream of mine to travel the world, and I hope to realize that someday. As Mrs. Gibbs says, "I just think that once in your life before you die, you ought to see a country where they don't talk in English and don't even want to." (Our Town is on the brain, let me tell you...)

20 February 2011

Day 07

Day 07-Your zodiac sign and if you think it fits your personality.

Well, honestly, I don't give much credit to the stars for knowing about me...

This is also a good place, I think, to admit that I've kind of failed at the whole writing every day thing...Ha-ha.

I'll play a little catch-up over the next couple of days. Right now, I'm chillin'.

15 February 2011

Day 06

Day 06-write 30 interesting facts about yourself


1. I'm slightly insane when given Vanilla Coke.
2. My children will play in the woods with sticks and lightsabers, not sit in front of the TV or computer screen.
3. I can wiggle my left ear, but not my right.
4. I've only been out of the country once. (So far...)
5. I like to yell at people out my second-story dorm room window.
6. I'm a huge nerd. Huge.
7. I love languages: Spanish, Greek, Elvish, Portuguese, Gaelic. If it sounds pretty, I probably want to study it.
8. I fall over a lot for no reason.
9. Daisies and lilies are my favorite flowers.
10. When I was in kindergarten and elementary school, I was convinced I should have been born a boy.
11. Green is my favorite color.
12. I don't eat fruits or vegetables unless coerced.
13. My taste in music ranges from Bach and Mozart to Lecrae and Tedashii. I need music for every occasion, and I think life would be a lot cooler if it had a soundtrack.
14. I'm meaner than I look.
15. I'm a lifeguard terrified of drowning.
16. I prefer hot chocolate over coffee.
17. I believe in Elves. Judge me.
18. I'd love to live in a tree house.
19. I can say "thank you" in 10 languages.
20. I've never been kissed.
21. I dislike even numbers.
22. Spring and summer are my favorite seasons. Fall is beautiful, but it means winter is coming. I hate the cold.
23. I have a favorite freckle.
24. I could be happy living just about anywhere except maybe a big, inescapable city. I'd definitely prefer out in the middle of the woods, but still close enough to civilization.
25. <-I don't think I'll live to see this age.
26. I talk to myself all the time.
27. I named my car Rhavaniel, which means "wild" in Sindarin Elvish.
28. I decided to make this one last...for no good reason.
29. I've never seen "The Little Mermaid" or "Sleeping Beauty" all the way through.
30. I can list all 50 states without looking at a map or singing the song.

14 February 2011

Day 05

Day 05-a time you thought about ending your own life

Definitely should have read over these before I started the challenge...Very few people know about this, but I'm the one who wanted to write every day for thirty days, so I'll take what's given me.

In high school, I went through bouts with depression, especially in the winter and at the beginning of every new year. January 2006 was really rough for me. I'd screwed up and thought I'd done irreparable damage to my relationship with my parents, so I tried to commit suicide. Obviously it didn't work, but looking back, I can see how that was the enemy trying to take me out before I really knew the Lord. I'm not gonna lie and say it's all been hunky-dory since He saved me, but my relationship with Christ is the one thing I know will never let me down no matter how badly I screw up. I have a hope I didn't know before. Coming back from my overseas Christmas trip was a difficult experience as well. I never contemplated suicide, but it was hard to function for the first week or so, but God was there to lift me out of it when I struggled to see the light.

13 February 2011

Day 04

Day 04-Your views on religion

I'm gonna take this as "faith" just because "religion" carries certain connotations that I'm not a fan of. I was raised by Christian parents, and came to a saving faith in Jesus Christ a little over a year ago. Faith has always played a big part in my life. I would be totally empty without it. It's not a huge part of my life; it is my life. Without my relationship with Christ, I would have little reason to exist aside from my own selfish ambition. (Not that I don't veer off on that road every now and then, but that's another story for another time.) I make it my life's goal to glorify Christ in all I do. If you want to call that "religion," I guess that's up to you. I call it a lifestyle.

Side-note: I'm really excited to see people from outside of Mississippi, Kentucky, and Tennessee dropping in on my blog. It just makes my heart happy. Please come back soon! ^_^

12 February 2011

Day 03

Day 03-Your views on drugs and alcohol

Just say no. That basically sums it up. High and drunk isn't how we were made to spend our lives, so why go there?

11 February 2011

Day 02

Day 02-Where you'd like to be in 10 years.

Yikes! I'm not even twenty yet, so let's not think about being almost thirty! Honestly, I probably don't think about this kind of thing as much as a lot of girls my age, but I've definitely got some ideas...

*serving in ministry as a career, maybe as a missionary, maybe as an ESL teacher, I really don't know, but I want to be serving
*much more mature in my relationship with Christ
*I'd like to be married and maybe have a couple of little boys running around to love and fuss at.
*not jaded and cynical, but really living with hope and purpose

I want to leave a legacy
How will they remember me?
Did I choose to love? Did I point to You enough
To make a mark on things?
I want to leave an offering
A child of mercy and grace who
blessed Your name unapologetically
And leave that kind of legacy
Not well traveled, not well read, not well-to-do or well bred
Just want to hear instead, "Well Done" good and faithful one...

10 February 2011

Day 01

Day 01-Your current relationship, if single discuss how single life is.

So, I'm guessing it means opposite-gender relationship. In case you haven't gathered as much from previous posts, I am currently single. Quite single. Very. Single. I'm not gonna lie and say I love it 'cause I don't. I really just don't. But I am single for a reason. I could write a lot more on that, but I won't. God's glory is my purpose, not finding Mr. Right.

All my soul needs
Is all Your love to cover me
So all the world will see
That I have nothing
But I love You

With all my heart
With all my soul
With all my mind
With all the strength that I can find

Take my time here on this earth
And let it glorify all that You are worth
For I am nothing,
I am nothing without You

30 Day Challenge

Stole this from my friend Emily Beth's Tumblr and decided to give it a shot. Wish me luck!

01 February 2011

A Night in the Life of a Desk Worker

6:51 p.m.

Just threw out Campus Cat. I was on my hands and knees in the Modenian parlor, looking under the couches, when I turned around to see Campus Cat looking at me from the faculty parlor. Softball players looked at me funny when I threw the animal out the door.

7:02 p.m.

7:12 p.m.

It’s very windy...

7:27 p.m.

Watching the UK/Ole Miss game. I’m gonna need my Wildcats to pull this one out. Don’t they know I go to school in Mississippi?

7:32 p.m.

Starting homework...joy... We’ll see how long this lasts.

8:00 p.m.

Emily Beth has come to visit and to mock my pain as I watch the Cats lose by ONE POINT to Ole Miss.

8:24 p.m.

Emily Beth has deserted me, but Acey and Chelsea (henceforth refered to as Chacey) are hangin’ around now, as well as John and Allison (Jollison?). Allison bought sticky lizards, which she is sharing. I’ve got a green one hanging from my computer screen. Acey is not interested because he can’t eat them.

I’m being educated on the wonders of Sea Monkeys. This is fascinating. I want some.

8:58 p.m.

My roomie and Carmen brought me pizza! ^_^

9:30 p.m.

Harbor and Cyle just left...Cyle squirted me with his water bottle. I am now wet. Thank you so much, Cyle. -_-

10:13 p.m.

Doooooooon’t waaaaaaaaaannaaaaa dooooooo Greeeeeeeeek hoooooomework. >_<

10:17 p.m.

Snarky Softballer: Who won the basketball game?
Me: *glare* [mutter] Stupid Rebels...[/mutter]

10:40 p.m.

Greek homework...'s gonna take me εις τον αιώνα...

11:38 p.m.

Twenty-two more minutes... Soooo sleeeeeepy...
Homework accomplished! ^_^

11:53 p.m.

Almost finished. A rather uninteresting night. Maybe I'll do this again when something worthwhile happens. Then again, it's a rather boring job. But it is a job. =]